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The Fray

Album Intro
Album list

Album name:Scars & Stories(人生與傷疤)

那曾有過的傷疤 讓人生就此勇往直前
◎ 4項葛萊美音樂獎提名、3座告示牌音樂獎肯定,美國鋼琴搖滾樂團2012年全新第三張創作大碟
◎ 出道十年,團員各自經歷人生的跌宕起伏,此輯尤其強調樂團的主體性,帶領歌迷體驗他們曾有的傷口,如今留下的盡是歲月的疤痕與故事
◎ 力邀曾為布魯斯史普林斯汀、珍珠果醬和尼爾楊等操刀的製作人Brendan O'Brien掌舵監製

來自美國丹佛,2002年成軍的The Fray,由鋼琴/主唱Isaac Slade、吉他手Joe King、鼓手Ben Wysocki、吉他手Dave Welsh四人組成。回首這十年,他們各自經歷了人生的跌宕起伏,但對他們而言,最重要的是樂團仍在,那些曾有過的傷口,如今已都癒合,留下的疤痕與故事,也就此展開。《Scars and Stories》是The Fray繼雙白金專輯《How to Save a Life》、同名專輯後,第三張全新創作大碟。對他們來說,疤痕的意義猶如地圖,標示了你曾經走過之處,某種程度也指引著未來的方向。

與前兩張專輯不同的是,The Fray這次的製作人是曾為布魯斯史普林斯汀、珍珠果醬和尼爾楊等操刀的Brendan O'Brien掌舵監製,他讓創作過程一向斟酌嚴密的The Fray,此回來不及理性思考,就跟著當下的直覺與本能前進,在這張專輯中,The Fray表現出在黑暗中毫無掩飾的自我,在全速行進時擦爆出的火花。這樣的探索過程,對音樂人來說更是一大成長,也讓The Fray完成這張勇敢突破自我的作品。專輯開場的〈Heartbeat〉創作靈感來自Slade一趟南非、盧安達之旅,旅途中,太多令人心痛的場景,當他打開心扉,遇見的卻是許多很棒又很酷的人事物,因而寫下這首歌。在〈Run For Your Life〉、〈48 To Go〉等搖滾重節拍歌曲後,〈Be Still〉以優美的鋼琴伴奏,如聖歌般悠揚結束。The Fray如今的心境一如〈The Wind〉裡,那迷失卻對未來充滿盼望的水手,某天在黑暗的大海上醒來,不知自己身在何方,只能擁抱自己的迷惑——船已經向遠方出發,總有一天會到達那未知的岸。

The critically acclaimed Denver-based foursome The Fray will be releasing their third album Scars& Stories. The band's 2005 double-platinum debut, which featured the hit single 'How to Save a Life,' garnered critical praise from People Magazine, who called the album 'addictive.' The first single off Scars & Stories is 'Heartbeat'. The album was recorded at the legendary Blackbird Studios in Nashville. The Fray was able to hone their sound with the help of producer Brendan O'Brien (Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, and Neil Young). On the new recording, the band transforms their real life experiences into a collection of songs that are reflective, but still maintain a pop sensibility. The making of Scars and Stories fostered the most evolution the band has ever experienced, both lyrically and musically. The Fray is Isaac Slade (pianist/vocalist), Joe King (guitarist/vocalist), Dave Welsh (guitarist), and Ben Wysocki (drummer). The group achieved national success with their first single, 'Over My Head (Cable Car),' which became a top ten hit in the U.S. The release of their second single, 'How to Save a Life' brought them worldwide fame, and the group's second self-titled album debuted at number-one on the Billboard charts and was also nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album. The Fray was ranked #84 on Billboard's 'Artists of the Decade' in 2010.