魔鏡歌詞網 > 男生歌手 > Simon Junior > 我在你左右 > Your Love, That's Mine

Simon Junior


Simon Junior

Your Love, That's Mine


I know your love for me has gone, someone has stole you from my heart
But now I'm grieven all alone, alone with memories of you
And now this heartache linkers on, from now until you're near to me
Don't leave me here I beg of you, please call me into your heart
*I am sure all your heartaches, are same as that of mine dear
I know how you're feeling, so let's make love and be the same
So please my love I'm begging you, please take this sorrow from my heart
I give you everything I have, be sure your love is meant for me*

  1. 感謝 Äries 提供歌詞