魔鏡歌詞網 > 男生歌手 > 侯丞睿 > It's Been So Long




【 It's Been So Long 】【 國語 】【 2024-05-21 】

1.It's Been So Long (提供)


「It』s Been So Long,」 is the second single to film composer and singer-songwriter Ray Hou』s newest concept |DISTANCE|. It is also a polarizing sequel to the first track 「Two Birds.」 The song contrasts its preceding half by establishing a sense of rhythm to the similarly harmonically vocalized and warm-toned arrangement. It establishes the same narrator, from far, working a way to go back to a home seemingly forgotten. The song attempts to create a jarring yet removed epiphany in the act of realization - the realization that one might be looking for something they already whole-heartedly possess.

In the concept |Distance|, four songs try to emulate aspects of depth and space - in both the exterior and the interior - physical and emotional - between each other and oneself.